Category: Fair Work Act

Do my employees really need a contract of employment?

A contract protects both you as the employer, and the employee. It allows you to be specific about what you expect of your employee and what happens if it all goes wrong. It is a safety net for you both. It’s different to an award which is the minimum; you need to comply whether you want to or not.

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Are my employees really casual?

Whilst the issue of what is a “casual” and how do employers balance the need for flexibility with fairness and equity to their employees continues to be debated in the courts and within politics, employers continue to get frustrated.

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Enterprise Bargaining – Why All the Fuss?

It means creating a communication and engagement plan that ideally dovetails with other people strategies so that it’s a seamless and consistent approach to communication and consultation,
rather than an afterthought in response to employee discontent or grumblings.

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