Category: personal growth

We can do hard things

Sometimes hard things do resolve themselves without any other intervention. A huge sigh of relief and life goes on.But usually they have become hard for a reason, and time/ignoring it doesn’t usually make them any less hard.

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What to do when things go to sh*t

We know that contagion of emotions is real. So if you’re coming into work and trying to lead your team whilst your life is falling down around you, it’s very likely that sense of panic and disarray will transfer to your team too. So, this stuff matters – both for you and for the impact it has on those around you.

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Turning a technical expert into a leader – part 3

Let’s be clear that it is not impossible to thrive in an environment that is less than optimal in terms of culture. BUT, and this is a big BUT; it’s so so much harder to have to swim against the grain of the organisation, its culture and all that it encourages and supports.

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