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It's a great story because it reminds us that when we start, we all start from the same place.
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That doesn't mean that having purpose isn't important - because it is. But simply, that work doesn't necessarily have to be thing that provides it.
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There is something lovely about being able to draw a line in the sand, reset and start again. Of course you can do this at any time during the year, but there's something special about the down time of the Christmas period that lends itself to a bit of introspection and reflection.
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There is a significant body of research on this.. it works! The being clear on your goals/dreams, the public accountability and most importantly - the acknowledgement and celebration of the journey and progress.
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But increasingly, there’s an economic imperative for organisations. Beyond the loss of talent, and the significant loss of productivity whilst these claims wend their way through an organisation, there’s the broader impact on brand. Increasingly boards and executive teams are coming under scrutiny from investors and shareholders – who are looking for positive and strong leadership.
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If there is ANY chance of an email being misinterpreted. If the content is sensitive. Or if the receiver is time poor and likely to skim read .. Ask yourself - what's the purpose of putting this in writing? Is it to avoid the conversation? Perhaps to protect myself in case something comes back to bite me?
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So, if you're thinking about coaching for you or your team, it pays to have a few coffees first. There are so many different styles, personalities and approaches available. Without doubt, there will be a best fit.
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The communication process doesn't need to be onerous. It doesn't need to involve large town halls and full on presentations (although of course there is a place for those). It just needs to be regular, on message and provide employees the information they need.
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But more fundamental than that, trust is basis of how we decide how we are going to interact with each and every person. It's a decision we make about each and every person every day.
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Often (always?) there are examples of failures and disasters along the way. It's not about not failing - but what they have done with that failure.
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Sometimes hard things do resolve themselves without any other intervention. A huge sigh of relief and life goes on.But usually they have become hard for a reason, and time/ignoring it doesn't usually make them any less hard.
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Exactly when we want to turn away and change the topic, or just end the conversation, or counter, as you say, we also have the opportunity to ask what else we need to know to fully understand the other person's perspective. 
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But just adding extra entitlements to employees isn’t necessarily the answer. It’s not about employees getting more. But rather, that what’s already there is looked at through a more flexible lens. That there is give and take both ways. That flexibility given by the employer is acknowledged and reciprocated by employees.
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The question that is often asked is what would you do, if you knew that you wouldn't fail? That is, if success was guaranteed. What would make you brave?nBrene Brown asks a different question - what's worth doing even if you fail? What's worth doing for the learning, for the journey, for the lessons learnt?
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BUT, there are some threshold questions that need to be considered well before any of the above.  Questions that might mean that a change should never progress beyond the initial concept:
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Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) cite research that 1 in 4 women will experience emotional abuse from a current or former partner and 1 in 6 women will experience physical or sexual violence from a current or former partner.
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We know that contagion of emotions is real. So if you're coming into work and trying to lead your team whilst your life is falling down around you, it's very likely that sense of panic and disarray will transfer to your team too. So, this stuff matters - both for you and for the impact it has on those around you.
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